
Electric Vehicles--Mobility meets the Power System, Fall 2023: 30 students at the Florence School of Regulation

Content: Frequency regulation from electric vehicles under EU law.

Convex Optimization, Fall 2020 & 21: 100 students at EPFL

Content: Convex analysis, convex reformulations and approximations, applications to machine learning, image reconstruction, optimal power flow, polynomial optimization, and optimization under uncertainty.

Urban Mobility, Fall 2020: 65 students at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology 

Content: Electric vehicles as energy storage: potential and applications.

Optimal Decision Making, Fall 2017 & Spring 2019: 100 students at EPFL

Content: Linear and mixed-integer linear programs, simplex algorithm, stochastic programming.

Material Flow Analysis, Fall 2016: 20 students at NTNU; Fall 2021: 20 students at EPFL.

Content: Analysis of flows and stocks of matter and energy in the anthroposphere. Application to chemical elements. Extension to living entities and material artefacts that can be created and destroyed.